Know Your Web Site Traffic

Analyze This! - Know Your Web Site Traffic And Banner Advertising Rates!
Analyze This!

By Said Issilam

There are a number of strategies for successful advertising to increase web site traffic. There isn't any web site in existence that doesn't want more web site traffic. Whether your site promotes a particular company and product or it's just a hobby site with opinion, commentary, pictures or news items, there is no sense in putting money and time into a web site that nobody visits! No web site traffic is the mark of a mediocre Internet presence!
Running banner advertising through some of the most popular sites on the web can be a costly endeavor. The places on the web that generate the most web site traffic are well aware that other sites will be looking to advertise with them. Many high traffic sites will then feel justified in charging high rates for ad spots.
So how do you know if the money that you are putting out towards banner advertising is worth it? Are you really gaining significant web site traffic for your dollar?
You probably have some kind of tool to measure statistics for your site. A web site traffic monitor that logs your site hits, page views, referring links, click through links, etc. Use one of these monitoring tools and analyze where the people viewing your site are coming from.
If you know anything about Internet advertising and marketing you've probably heard of networks like Google Adsense. This is a cost-per click Internet advertising technique. The advertiser will only pay for their ad placement when a visitor actually clicks it and is directed to the advertised web site. Banner advertising spots aren't usually sold in this manner but this method has revitalized online advertising, increasing web site traffic for many sites. It is also a good measuring tool in determining exactly how beneficial banner advertising on a particular site is.
Let's say that you have purchased banner advertising on two popular sports web sites. Your ad is clicked ten times on the first web site. Banner advertising on this particular web site was $40.00 monthly. This would make your cost per click $4.00. If you paid $20.00 to advertise on the other site but received twenty hits - your cost per click would be $1.00. The second web site would be the most economical choice for banner advertising. Not only does your web site traffic increase but you're also getting more bang for your buck!
Some Webmasters may put more of an emphasis on page impressions rather than clicks. For instance, if you are a launching a new product and trying to establish brand recognition, it may be more important to know that your banner advertising is met with a lot of eyes, whether people are actually clicking the ads or not. Do business with sites that aren't shy about promising a specific number of page impressions and measure that information against your web site traffic stats.
A conversion rate is popular with online stores. Particularly sites like with affiliate programs that reward a web site if people purchase goods after clicking through from your site. The site owner for a music website may run banner advertising on his or her site for music that is available for purchase through They will be paid commission whenever someone comes directly from the site and makes an purchase.
Said Issilam is the founder of [] - a directory with a collection of web site traffic sources. We help webmasters and infopreneurs to boost web site traffic []
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